Introduction to the Division 

The Mechanical, Marine, Naval Architecture and Chemical (MMNC) Division is one of the 19 Divisions to perform the learned society functions of HKIE. Currently there are more than 3400 members of HKIE joined the MMNC Division. Unlike other HK|E Divisions, it covers the area of four different but related disciplines namely mechanical engineering, marine engineering, naval architecture and chemical engineering.

The nature of its major activities ties with the learned society functions. Activities have been organized in the past to enhance the engineering expertise in the four disciplines and the associated fields. These activities include conferences, seminars, technical visits, project awards and essay competitions.

In some cases, the Division also jointly organize functions with external institutions such as lMechE, ASME, SAE, HKlOA, The Hong Kong Joint Branch of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects and The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology and The Hong Kong Institute of Marine Technology, local universities and other educational institutions.

To improve the link with the Mainland and nearby countries, activities, visits and exchange discussions have also been held with engineering bodies across the border. These activities are usually organized with the subsidy of the HKlE Divisional Technical Visit Fund.

Being a major Division of HKlE, members of the Division have actively participated in most HKlE functions. There are representatives of the Division sitting in the major committees and boards of HKlE in which our contribution is made.

The work of the Division is steered by the Divisional Committee with elected members, co-opted members and also with Council Member (MMNC Division), ex-officio members from Mechanical Discipline, Marine & Naval Architecture Discipline, Chemical Discipline, Safety Specialist Committee, Associate Member Committee and Young Member Committee. Members of the Committee will continue to put up a collaborated effort in achieving the vision and mission of HKIE with the following objectives:

  • Enhance the technical expertise of the members
  • Maintain the link with the engineering bodies in the Mainland China
  • Provide CPD opportunities in interesting subjects to members
  • Participate and fully support HKlE activities
  • Enhance communication between the HKIE council, boards, committees and members of the Division
  • Enhance and promote status of the profession
  • Encourage active participation of members better serve the community