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Webinar on EPD's Noise Digital Assessment Platforms & GIS Assessment Tool for Road Traffic Noise Assessment Method Hong Kong

Date, time & venue

2024-01-29;18:30 - 20:00;Webinar

By HKIE-MMNC and HKIE-Environmental Division

Programme Highlights
To facilitate the industry to utilize Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data for carrying out Noise Impact Assessment (NIA) and various noise management tools, the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has introduced a series of cloud/GIS-based platforms for the practitioners’ application. These cloud/GIS-based digital platforms include the Web-NAT, the Web-CNMP, and the assessment tools for the Road Traffic Noise Assessment Method Hong Kong (RONOSS-HK) (https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/sites/default/files/epd/english/environmentinhk/noise/guide_ref/files/ronoss.pdf).  

Web-NAT is a tool for creating traffic noise models and preparing NIA report for residential development and was launched in 2022.   It provides a convenient way for traffic noise modelling by extracting the relevant data from GIS database including buildings and roads network, and standardizing input data for traffic noise models and the results in the NIA reports. Web-CNMP is a tool for preparing and submitting Construction Noise Management Plan (CNMP) for both EIA and non-EIA projects.  It facilitates users to conduct quantitative Construction Noise Impact Assessment utilizing in-built database containing information of nearby noise sensitive receivers, sound power levels of typical powered mechanical equipment and quiet construction equipment/methods. CNMP reports can be generated automatically via Web-CNMP.

GIS assessment tool for RONOSS-HK is a platform for utilization of GIS data readily available in EPD’s Central Environmental Database (CED) and other information in public domain for accurate road traffic noise prediction, using the newly published road traffic noise assessment methodology for Hong Kong, RONOSS-HK. The subject webinar provides an introduction to these digital assessment platforms.

Mr. Chris Kwun-ting KWOK, Senior Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department
Mr. Vince Ho-kun MAK, Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department

Cantonese with English terms

Registration Fee

Registration & Enquiry
Registration is required. The number of participants is limited to 500. Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis and priority will be given to members of MMNC and co-organizing institutions. For registration, please register online at (https://forms.gle/SSaaEQGqtZ9sD8UUA) . Successful applicants will be notified by email before the event. For enquiries, please contact Ir Karen LEONG via email: klkleong@connect.ust.hk.





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